
Showing posts from March, 2020

Corpus Based Material Design

Hello🙋 Today I will talk about the Corpus based material design I did. Corpus is a collection of linguistic data. For my assignment I did a corpus about Adjective&Adverb. My target group was high school students, so I try to make it simple for them to understand and follow. To create my corpus, I based on a 9th grade book by MEB ( ministry of national education). At first, I didn’t have any idea about the corpus before, so I had a little bit of confusion about what to do. After the online class, I understand what I should do. This was my first time creating a corpus so before outcome I asked my teacher for a feedback after the feedback, I received I change it a little bit and finalized it. I used Canva to create my worksheet. As I used it before I didn’t have a hard time while creating it. So here is my worksheet hope you like it.  Stay safe! Thanksđź’“ Elif


Hello🙋 Long time no see! Here I am once again using this blog. I will continue this blog for my Material Design class. For this class, I will design materials and share them here as I did last semester. I do not know how to design materials but I will try my best to learn.  I am sure at the end of the semester I will learn how to design different and fun materials for my future students. I really hope that this class will contribute to my knowledge and make me a better teacher for the future. Due to CoronaVirus breakout for the time being my school will continue with online lessons so I am not sure how things will be like but I think online lessons will be sufficient for me to learn.  Who knows maybe this outbreak will contribute future education system so instead of being negative let's be hopeful for a better future where everyone will be safe. Lastly please stay at home, wash your hands and be safe! I am sure we will overcome this situation if we l