Hello 🙋

Today I will write for the last time for this term.

This lesson was the best lesson I took this term because I learned too many useful things for my future career. Due to coronavirus this term I had distance lessons and this lesson was the most suitable one.

In this term, I learned about corpus-based material design, augmented reality, flipped classroom technique, and how to make traditional assignments to technology-enhanced. I also learned about websites to create engaging visual and educational material.

As I said having this lesson this term was really good because due to the pandemic, I had to say at home for a long time so having this lesson kinda help me to spend my time on something useful for my future career.

The course itself wasn’t challenging at all yes, augmented reality the task was hard to complete but when I think about it now, I am glad I learned it.

I am glad that I took this class this term because I believe that the things, I learned this semester will help me in the future.

I really want to say thank you to everyone who read my blog post and apricate them. Who knows maybe in the future I might continue this blog so until them goodbye!



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