

Hello 🙋 Today I will write for the last time for this term. This lesson was the best lesson I took this term because I learned too many useful things for my future career. Due to coronavirus this term I had distance lessons and this lesson was the most suitable one. In this term, I learned about corpus-based material design, augmented reality, flipped classroom technique, and how to make traditional assignments to technology-enhanced. I also learned about websites to create engaging visual and educational material. As I said having this lesson this term was really good because due to the pandemic, I had to say at home for a long time so having this lesson kinda help me to spend my time on something useful for my future career. The course itself wasn’t challenging at all yes, augmented reality the task was hard to complete but when I think about it now, I am glad I learned it. I am glad that I took this class this term because I believe that the thing


Hello🙋 Today I will write about the technology-enhanced project I did with my friend Derin . As future teachers, we learn how we can make our coursebook technology-enhanced and fun for our students. Our homework for this week was creating a technology enhanced project from a high school preparatory class coursebook. The project on the book required students to prepare a movie poster and write a review of it on paper which is a traditional way. So, we changed it. We want students to do the task by requiring them to use certain websites. To create a poster, students are required to use Poster My Wall and for their film review, they are required to use Padlet . We create a class page in Padlet, students are required to write their review there We prepared a guide on Canva . In our guide, we explained the project and told them how to do it properly by writing everything steps by step. Here is our handout for students.                                      

Flipped Classroom for Vocabulary Teaching

Hello🙋 Today I will introduce vocabulary video me and my dear friend Derin Created. This was the most enjoyable project we did this semester in my opinion. We created our video for 4 th grade students. Our topic is ‘jobs’. I think our video is suitable for 4 th grade students because it is simple, and we know that kids can be easily distracted. We share the work and I created the video by using Animaker and Derin recorded her voice. Normally 4 th grade students can learn around 10 words at once but since some jobs are sound the same as the jobs in Turkish, we used all 17 words in our unit. Flipped vocabulary teaching can be useful for students as they can watch it as many times as they want. They can hear the correct pronunciation and correct usage of the words. In my opinion vocabulary is more suitable for flipped classrooms because as someone who prefers the teacher teaching grammar, I wouldn’t prefer to have grammar videos. But for vocabulary I think it


Hello🙋 Today I will write about the flipped ELT classroom.              A flipped classroom is a type of blended learning where students are introduced to content at home and practice working through it at school ( Source ). Flipped classroom has both pros and cons. For pros, we can say that teachers save a lot of time for practice, students can watch the video as much as they want. For cons, we can say that it can be inconvenient for teachers as he/she should create the videos for each grammar topic and students may not understand the grammar topic by watching the video it could be a little bit confusing for students especially for young learners. I and my friend Derin created a grammar video about Direct/Indirect speech video. First, we decided what should we cover about our topic then I created the video by using PowToon . Derin recorded the voice.  PowToon  is a web-based animation software that allows users to create animated presentations. ( Source )  For my p

Augmented Reality

Hello🙋 Today I will talk about Augmented Reality integrated teaching material I did it with my friends  Derin  and Ĺžebnem . Augmented reality is  an interactive experience of a real-world environment where the objects that reside in the real world are enhanced by computer-generated perceptual information . (Source  Wikipedia ) We had two options. Exploring a city or exploring a global issue. We chose to explore a city. Our city was Paris.  We created a handout for students. By using handout and Arize app students can explore Paris. We introduced the Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, Notre Dame, Arc de Triomphe, and Macaron. After exploring these students are required to write a message to their friends. Being honest creating AR was really hard. I was the one who created in my group so I can say creating process was really painful for me as I had to do it three times. Derin and Ĺžebnem wrote questions. we chose videos and photos together. You can watch my friend Deri

Corpus Based Material Design

Hello🙋 Today I will talk about the Corpus based material design I did. Corpus is a collection of linguistic data. For my assignment I did a corpus about Adjective&Adverb. My target group was high school students, so I try to make it simple for them to understand and follow. To create my corpus, I based on a 9th grade book by MEB ( ministry of national education). At first, I didn’t have any idea about the corpus before, so I had a little bit of confusion about what to do. After the online class, I understand what I should do. This was my first time creating a corpus so before outcome I asked my teacher for a feedback after the feedback, I received I change it a little bit and finalized it. I used Canva to create my worksheet. As I used it before I didn’t have a hard time while creating it. So here is my worksheet hope you like it.  Stay safe! Thanksđź’“ Elif


Hello🙋 Long time no see! Here I am once again using this blog. I will continue this blog for my Material Design class. For this class, I will design materials and share them here as I did last semester. I do not know how to design materials but I will try my best to learn.  I am sure at the end of the semester I will learn how to design different and fun materials for my future students. I really hope that this class will contribute to my knowledge and make me a better teacher for the future. Due to CoronaVirus breakout for the time being my school will continue with online lessons so I am not sure how things will be like but I think online lessons will be sufficient for me to learn.  Who knows maybe this outbreak will contribute future education system so instead of being negative let's be hopeful for a better future where everyone will be safe. Lastly please stay at home, wash your hands and be safe! I am sure we will overcome this situation if we l